Download jabra pc suite download
Download jabra pc suite download

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Click on the small left -pointing arrow at the lef t side of the. Ĭhapter 4 : The Ja bra Dev ice Se rvice The D evice Service Sett ings Window Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 13 Fi gure 1: The Jabr a ic on i n the Wi ndows Notifi cation A rea If you think that the Device Service is running but you cannot see the icon, then Windows may be hiding i t. T he J abr a Devi ce Ser v i ce Ru nning a nd Us in g the D evi ce Se r vice Purpose of th e Devic e S e rvice The Jabra Device Service is a simple program that r uns in the background, monitors your USB ports for Jabra devices and. Ĭhapter 4 : The Ja bra Dev ice Se rvice Runn in g an d Usin g the Device Service Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 12 4.

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Usi ng O ther Types of Sof tpho nes and A udi o P rogr ams Even if you use a softphone that is not mentioned above.

#Download jabra pc suite download how to

Ĭhapter 3 : Using Softphones with Your Ja bra Heads et Using Other Typ es of Softphones and Audio Program s Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 11 your Jabra headset reference manual for details about how to invoke each of these functions. See also your Jabra headset reference manual for details about how to i. Ĭhapter 3 : Using Softphones with Your Ja bra Heads et Using Microsoft Offi ce Communicato r Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 10 The headset controls for invoking each of the above features of your softphone work in exactly the sa me way as the y do for your mobile or desk phone.

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Once the above software is installed and running, you will be able to control the following featur es. See als o “ Running and Using the Skype Interface” on page 24. Ĭhapter 3 : Using Softphones with Your Ja bra Heads et Using Cisc o IP C ommun icator Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 9 start up if you o f ten use your headset together with Skype. Usi ng Softpho ne s wi th Y our Ja b ra Headset The Jabra PC Suite has two p rimary functions: con figuring your headset and providing a feature-rich softphone integration that includes remote call control from the headset. Ĭhapter 3 : Using Softphones with Your Ja bra Heads et Using Sk ype Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 8 3. When installation is complete, the Comple. A pr ogress bar is s hown to track your ins tallation.

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Click on Instal l to install the software. You are now finished s etting your ins t allation opti ons. Ĭhapter 2 : In s t a ll i n g Jab r a PC Su it e S y stem R e quir e m ents Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 7 9. ( T he fifth p rogram, the Cisco IP Communicator Interface, is made available only if th e Cisc o sof. The Jabra PC Sui te includes either four or five p r o g rams, all of which will be installed by default. Ĭhapter 2 : In s t a ll i n g Jab r a PC Su it e S y stem R e quir e m ents Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 6 7. (If you add this p r ogram late r, you c an simply re- run the Jab. If are using the Cis co IP Comm unicator s oftphone program, then install that program first. In stall ing Jab ra P C Su ite To install Jabra PC Suite on your computer: 1. Ĭhapter 2 : In s t a ll i n g Jab r a PC Su it e S y stem R e quir e m ents Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 5 2.

  • Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 or later Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or la ter o r M i cr osoft Windows Vist.
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    Ĭhapter 1 : Jabra PC Suite Ov erv iew S y stem R e quir e m ents Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 4 System Requirements To run the Jabra PC Suite, your computer must me et or exceed the following requirements:

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    Jabra PC Suit e Overv ie w Elements o f the Ja bra PC Suite The Jabra PC Suite is a collection of PC prog r ams that enable you to configur e your Jabra solution, update its firmware an d contr o l the way your headset will work together w. Ĭhapter 1 : Jabra PC Suite Ov erv iew Ele me nts of th e J abr a PC Su ite Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 3 1. Jabra PC Suite User’s Gui de 2 Conte n ts 1. ©2008, Jabra A/S Jabra PC Suite User’s Guide.

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